【影片尺度】:三級 (19限) 【主演演員】:金?詠 李尚勛 金京熙 強龍奎. 等主演. 【劇情簡介】: 大人們不知道她的夜晚技術。真是吃出來的,她來了!清正廉明的書生,高貴的人是天生的自由,只有放肆。這世上所有的男人的眼神,一個手勢發號施令的最棒的名妓,孩子!家閨秀們不知道,她也不知道的隱秘的夜晚技術朝鮮男人都融化了,名聲。但是一個夜班的超極鐵壁和村裡人的工作了。純真。 【Storyline】: Domina they do not know her at night Technology! Knows how to make a rea??l taste she comes! Integrity innocent scholar, a noble man Sahib, born hanryang, there is only one power wantonly … wink all men in the world once, The best that can be specified in one horyeong Beck,, anyway! Legs yeoyeomjip all the shipbuilding namjeongne a secret night of her own technique that should also take care not even know they Melt discards are renowned. But night out on the town we found nothing of him for someone else know impregnable chojeoljeong I have the official announcement!
2015-4-24 21:11, 下载次数: 2555